Current Articles
- How to print from a Bren computer
- Remotely controlling lab computers from your home Mac or PC using availability lists
- UCSB VPN - installation and connecting
- Adding A Bren Calendar Resource To Your Google Calendar
- Signing into ArcGIS Pro
- GaBi (pro license) guide
- Connect to the Bren Wireless network
- How to Scan to Email with Oreo
- MEDS Computational Server Guide
- Using Google Calendar to find available meeting times with faculty/staff
- Using Rclone to transfer data off of a Bren computing server
- Creating Python Virtual Environment on Bren Compute Server
- Visitor Center Demo
- Laptop Ethernet Connection Station
- Enabling Extensions in ArcGIS Pro
- Bren Scheduling System Instructions (RobinPowered)
- How can I make sure I'm sending emails from my address?
- What can I do to lower the amount of emails I get from a Bren listserv without removing myself from the group?
- M1 Mac Laptop Multiple External Displays
- Enabling Extensions in ArcGIS (Tool Not Licensed Error)
- Finding and Pinning Application in Windows 10
- How do I setup DUO at UCSB?
- Remote Controlling Lab Machines Using The UCSB Secure RDP Web Gateway
- Installing software with your Local Administrator Account
- Are there any R Studio/Computational Servers at Bren?
- Adding "This Week At Bren" (TWAB) Calendar to your Google Calendar
- Connecting and using Git & Github for version control with RStudio
- Using Git with RStudio on windows
- Can I have a STATA license?
- How to Print From a Laptop or Phone