Below we have compiled a list of deadlines and best practices for the current graduating class. Please read over the following as you prepare to leave Bren and it's computing infrastructure behind.
If you aren't able to read this entire note, the two things that are most important are:
- Changing where your email address forwards to.
- Getting a copy of your files on your H and G drives before you leave Bren.
- Knowing that your UCSBnetID, Google, Box accounts will remain accessible for 13 months after you graduate (so you have time to migrate any of that email/data files.)
- On campus access listed below depends upon Covid-19 campus access rules.
Lab Access
- After graduation after hours security access (card access to open elevator/computer labs) to Bren is removed.
- You are welcome to use labs over the summer during business hours 8am-5pm, some labs may be closed for refurbishment but one compute lab will typically be open.
Computer Accounts
- Bren Windows Desktop accounts remain valid until 9/1, until that date you can log into your account and use network resources as you currently do.
- You are welcome to use the computing labs (SCF / GIS) when available (see previous section).
- BREN Wireless will remain available through 9/1 using your Bren username / password to authenticate.
- Remote Desktop will remain available until 9/1 if you need access to your account while away from Bren, you must use the campus VPN first before you can use Bren terminals servers.
- Small print jobs are allowed (we will generally add $5 to cover any summer usage).
Bren Windows Desktop Account Data
- Transferring your data from Bren will be much easier if done while you are still able to come into the labs. Depending on the amount of data a thumb drive or external hard drive are great options.
- Make sure you have permission for any datasets you might take (in case you had NDA data on your group project etc.).
- H: drive - left on server until 9/1, then moved to an archived location for a year, then permanently deleted.
- If possible, please delete any large data-sets in your H or G drives that aren't needed any longer.
UCSB Google/Connect/uMail Accounts (all the same thing)
- You retain access to your UCSB Google account for 13 months after the end date of your last quarter. (so you have plenty of time to schedule this)
- You can use the Google Transfer process to transfer emails and google drive data to another account. Its best to check disk space that you are using and the storage you have free in your personal Google Account. You might choose to purchase a Google Storage plan (least expensive is about $20 a year for 100 GB). IF you are keeping your files on Google, this process is more efficient than using the Takeout process.
- You can use the Google Takeout process to download a "zip file" of your Google Email and Google Drive files to your personal computer. If you use takeout to export your Gmail, you can use a program like Thunderbird or Postbox, to read a "mbox" style email download. If you use this process and want your files to be in another Google account, you have to download the zip file to your desktop, unzip, then re-upload to your personal Google account.
Box/Office 365
- Box - Transfer file ownership or copy data to another location before UCSBNetidID terminates (13 months after graduation).
- Office 365 access ends upon graduation.
More Detail on Account Data
- We have a longer article on account data at this link
- Your UCSBnetID remains active for another 13 months, but some campus services are disabled such as UCSB WiFi, and Library services. If you are continuing to work for some faculty, but not as an employee, with approval from your faculty sponsor, Corina can elevate your UCSBnetID access to an academic affiliate which should recover many of those services.
Group Projects
- You will retain access to your G: drive through 9/1. You can either use the computers in the labs, or our terminal server for access.
- After 9/1, we will move your group project folders to an archived location.
- G Drives / Group Project data: we "try" to keep this data, but please delete duplicate data or data that isn't needed. We don't guarantee we will be able to keep this data for ever, especially large data sets.
- Your GP Email list will be retired 13 months after you graduate, just like your UCSB Email account.
Bren Email Address
- Your email address will remain attached to your connect Gmail account after graduation.
- Approximately 11 months after graduation we will contact you to provide a new forwarding address for your email address.
- If you do not provide a forwarding address before your connect Gmail account is deactivated (13 months after graduation) emails sent to your email address will be lost.
- After your email is forwarded you will only be able to receive email sent to your email address at the address you provided; you will not be able to send email from your email address.
Continuing at Bren
- If you are continuing at Bren let us know so we can transition or extend your account / building access and minimize interruption. (Examples: Becoming a PhD student, Working with a research group).