Welcome to the school year at the Bren School! This is a guide to help you get started and give you access to different approaches to solving all of your computing inquiries. The Compute Team helpdesk is located in room 3516. if you need extra help beyond our provided knowledge base stop by and visit us. You can also email compute@bren.ucsb.edu with any further questions. You can use the Bren Knowledge Base to get help with any information not listed below: Bren Knowledge Base
Software and Services - As a UCSB student, you are entitled to download MS Office to use for free while you are a student. UCSB Google Suite (150GB) and Box Storage (10GB) accounts provide cloud storage while you are at UCSB as a student. You can create a free pro account using Zoom for video conferencing (note: if you were a previous UCSB student, your zoom pro account may have been deactivated - please contact us or central IT to reactivate your pro license).
Compute Team- who to address your emails to: (help tickets should be sent to compute@bren.ucsb.edu)
Brad Hill – Director of IT
Cuddy Ritchason - IT Infrastructure Administrator
Kat Le – Technical Applications Manager
Garret Favre-Schwan – Technical Support Manager
Usernames and Passwords:
Your Bren Desktop account name and password is assigned and may NOT be changed. Generally, your account name will be the same as your UCSBnetID. It is crucial that you keep your password in a safe place, separate from your username, until you have memorized it. NEVER send your password via email and we will never ask you for it. Remember to NEVER share your password with anyone.
The Bren School labs are open Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. You can be granted 24 hour access via the UCSB access card. You will have to get your color access card along with filling out a form before you will be able to have after hour lab access.
Other security information:
Email Accounts:
UCSB Google Apps for Education (Gmail, Google Drive, etc.) for all student email accounts. We call this service at UCSB "Connect". You have (20GB) storage in your Google Suite account during your time at UCSB.
13 months after you graduate, your UCSB email account and address goes away due to policies at UCSB. Treat this account and email address as a loaner. We will discuss the "Bren email address" during your orientation which you can use after you graduate for receiving email.
At the start of the academic year, MESM and PhD students are credited $30 for printing fees. In the Spring, when students are assigned group projects (2nd year students), your group will be credited an extra $200 for printing.
- Black and white prints- $0.03 per side
- Color prints- $0.20 per side
Wireless Access:
Wireless access is available in most common areas, classrooms, and labs at Bren. Access points use the network name BREN and you can use your Bren desktop account name and password to log on. You can also use the UCSB WiFi network EDUROAM, logging in with UCSBnetID@ucsb.edu. We can whitelist your phone to the BREN WIFI NETWORK, which will be convenient for your time at Bren (more info), whitelisting means we trust your device and you don't have to enter your login credentials each time.