Overview and GROUP Name
This page contains information pertaining to services that the Group Project Data Managers are responsible for supporting. For the information below, please substitute GROUP with the lower-case version of the value found in the spreadsheet below:
GROUP | Google Group Email |
connectconserve | gp-connectconserve@bren.ucsb.edu |
debris_ease | gp-debris_ease@bren.ucsb.edu |
conscious_carbon | gp-conscious_carbon@bren.ucsb.edu |
facts_tnc | gp-facts_tnc@bren.ucsb.edu |
dwimpacts | gp-dwimpacts@bren.ucsb.edu |
ranchoenci | gp-ranchoenci@bren.ucsb.edu |
surfcon | gp-surfcon@bren.ucsb.edu |
biocharge | gp-biocharge@bren.ucsb.edu |
hydrospark | gp-hydrospark@bren.ucsb.edu |
kiwikelp | gp-kiwikelp@bren.ucsb.edu |
albrensons | gp-albrensons@bren.ucsb.edu |
solsticehealth | gp-solsticehealth@bren.ucsb.edu |
resilireefs | gp-resilireefs@bren.ucsb.edu |
scopewise | gp-scopewise@bren.ucsb.edu |
lostandfrond | gp-lostandfrond@bren.ucsb.edu |
Highlights for this year
- R-Studio server is available if your group has a need for additional memory or long job runtimes.
- Shiny app server hosting for 12 months post-public presentation.
Google Groups Information
- Google Group Creation and Recommended Settings: https://bren.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002102646-How-do-I-get-an-email-list-for-my-group-project-
- You can add your Google Group email address to your UCSB Gmail account as an available sender address.
- Login to https://groups.google.com to find your group; ensure all members; review settings and external members.
Windows File Management
- Group Project Drives (G Drive):
Your group project drive "G:" is automatically mapped to "\\esm.ucsb.edu\groupprojects\GroupProjects2025\GROUP".
Your G drive is a shared drive accessible by your entire team. Each team member will see on all desktops that you log in to at Bren.
- Folder Permissions:
By default group members have read/write permission, and the data manager has full permissions (which include the ability to change the permissions of folders/files).
- Folder Structure:
We recommend creating a folder structure that will complement collaboration, some examples are lib and work folders:
lib = library where the group members can view the latest versions and final products maintained by the data manager, a.k.a. data librarian.
work = working documents for group members to have individual space for creating documents.
- Your Home Folder (H Drive):
When you log in to a Bren Desktop, your H: drive is your home folder.
- Remote Access (H and G Drives):
You can access files on the H: and G: drives via a web browser: https://reef.bren.ucsb.edu/Account/Login
[Demonstration of Reef/windows desktop]
- Retention of Group Project Data Share:
The G Drive is your group's folder mapped to a shared volume. All of your cohort group projects share a volume that is about 4 terabytes. If you see your G drive has 100 Gigabytes left, that means there are 100 Gigabytes left for all group projects.
at the end of your project: Your G: drive will be archived onto external backup drives or cloud storage 12 months after your group project has ended. We recommend that you deliver to your client any digital products from your G drive before you graduate, and take a copy of your G drive with you. Students have copied their G drive to 1-2 TB disk drives they have purchased, or to personal cloud storage accounts. If you have 100s of gigabytes to terabytes of data on your G drive, please remove what isn't needed for others to use in the future. It costs us about $150 a year to store a terabyte of storage on our servers a year. With 20 group projects a year, this can build up in cost.
Use your UCSBnetID@ucsb.edu to log in to Google and use Google Calendar.
UCSB has a site license for Qualtrics. Information available at: https://www.software.ucsb.edu/info/special-licensing/qualtrics
(Please be aware of policies regarding human subject testing.)
Group Project Computing Resources
Computing resources offered to groups for 2025 are tailored to support flexibility and remote access.
- Remote Desktop Access
A pool of computers is being made available specifically for group project use. If you have used our remote access procedures and pools for instructions already, the process will be identical. Groups will be able to locate an available machine and connect to it remotely. If a Group needs to access more than one computer at the same time they are free to do so. (Link To General Pool Instructions)
- Dedicated Remote Desktops
If your group requires uninterrupted access to a remote computer or local administrative privileges please submit a help request. If needed, we will assign specific remote computers for your group's exclusive and elevated access.
- Custom Software Requests
If your group has a need to use software that isn't part of the base software installation please reach out to the compute team. Options include installing the software on all of the group project pool of computers or dedicating a machine to your group for custom software requirements.
- Compute Server, Storage, and Cloud Computing
The compute team has a number of computing servers, storage offerings, and cloud computing environments that can be tailored to your group's needs. Please reach out to the compute team so we can develop a plan that will fill your custom computing needs.
- Group Project Collaborative Space
Once on-site access to the Bren building resumes, groups will have access to a number of collaborative workspaces.
The group project printing benefit is ($200 of print dollars) on the 8.5x11 printers at Bren. This can be split amongst the group members. In the past, groups would be printing large quantities of surveys they might send in the postal mail, or handouts at conferences or public presentations. Since 2019, the need for lots of printing by groups on 8.5x11 paper (color/b&w) has decreased significantly, but we still offer that benefit. We add those "print dollars" to your print account at Bren. The $200 is not real money, but credit for printing using our existing investment in printers, toner, paper, and maintenance.
Collaboration tools (Box, Google Drive, Zoom, Slack)
- Video conferencing, Screen sharing (Zoom)
We recommend that you use Zoom for video conferencing in our facilities. Zoom is easy to use, works in all our spaces, and is generally of higher quality (audio/video) than its competition.
That being said, many of your clients may want to use other conferencing software such as WebEx, GoToMeeting, Skype, and Skype for Business. If you are using software other than Zoom, we recommend that you try the software in the room you will be using, before your scheduled meeting. You may have to request that we install the particular software in a room if that software doesn't allow it to be installed by a normal user.
- Synchronous communication: (Slack)
Some groups create their own workspaces for synchronous communication. You can get a free account for this. Some groups have used a discord server or a Google Chat.
- Cloud Storage: (Box / Google)
UCSB has recently decreased the storage limits for Google Drive and Box, however, they are still likely to meet your data needs. Currently, new Google accounts are limited to 150GB for user accounts, and 50GB for shared drives. Box is limited to 10GB per user.
- Google Shared Drive / Box shared folder
We recommend that you consider using a Google shared folder or Box folder to store documents that you are sharing. If you need help creating these, please reach out to us. Having one person create a folder and share it in Box or Google works well. You can also create a shared folder with Google Drive, that works with not that many extra benefits. (Link to Update on Google Storage Limits)
- Box Features
- Versioning of file modifications
- Being able to office documents using Office online
- Box Drive - Virtual view of your files on your computer.
- Box tools - lets you browse the website and it auto downloads the file and saves it back to the server
- Box Notes - fast/easy collaborative note tool
- Email address for folders
- Google Drive for Desktop
- Virtual access to all your files
(NOTE) - Most cloud storage vendors are removing their "backup and sync" clients and moving toward virtual access.
- Links
- Zoom - https://ucsb.zoom.us ;
- Box - https://ucsb.app.box.com/ ;
- Google Drive - https://drive.google.com ;(with your UCSBnetID@ucsb.edu)
- Which storage to use? (Windows G drive, Google, Box, etc)?
With so many choices it can be unclear which option might be best for your group. Each option has it' own benefits and you might find that one, multiple, or none may fit your needs.
Orientation Recording
We have a Zoom recording of the Data Manager Orientation given on 4/25/2023 if you were unable to attend the session you can review it on Vimeo (use password datamanagers) : https://vimeo.com/825195624/a3b9912045