Some users might have a local administrator account on the computer they use. This account is to be used for installing software that requires administrative rights. This account, only provides administrative access on that one machine.
As you will probably be logged in with your Bren Desktop Account, and have downloaded the installer to your H drive / Downloads folder, this is an easy way to install the software.
Copy the installer to c:\temp from your H drive.
Navigate via Windows file Explorer to c:\temp
Click <shift> <right mouse button> over the installer in c:\temp ;
mouse down to "Run as different user" and then press <left mouse button>
type in ".\YOURACCOUNT_admin" where "YOUR_ACCOUNT" is your Bren Desktop account. don't type the double quotes.
Type in your Bren Desktop password
This starts the installing process without you having to logout.
You can also watch this 2 minute video on vimeo on the process -
If we gave you a one time password for your administrative account, you'll need to login with it, then change the administrative account password to your standard Bren Desktop password.
You can watch this 2 minute video on vimeo on the process -