We will create one automatically before the data manager orientation.
With your group project, Bren has a requirement that your group project has an email list that can forward email to your entire group **explanation at bottom. We are currently using UCSB Google Groups for this service. For this page, I will use "Smart Charge" as a group project example.
With this email list address, Bren Staff, your Faculty and PhD advisors, your clients and your team will have a single email address to send an email to the entire group. You can optionally add people outside your MESM Group Project members to this list. Each member can control how they receive emails sent to the list. We encourage you to configure the list to archive messages so that if you delete messages in your personal email box, you can always review and retrieve them on the Google Groups website.
Working with Academic Programs, the compute team will request the creation of a Google Group for your email list. The name will be gp-smartcharge@bren.ucsb.edu. We will add your data manager as a manager for this group. The data manager will add others as either members or managers and configure the list to meet your group project needs.
Some of the basic steps a manager will do includes the following
1. Log into https://groups.google.com with your UCSBnetID@ucsb.edu. Then scroll through the list of google groups until you see your GP name.
2. On the left panel, select "Members" under the "People" section. Add any other team members into the manager role. Ensure all team members are added either as a manager or a member
3. Configure your google group: recommended configuration of your google group
- On the left panel, select "My membership settings"
- Subscription -> Each email
- One the left panel, select "Group Settings"
- Group Name -> [Smart Charge list]
- Group Description -> Put in a brief description like "2023 - 2024 Masters Group Project - Communication internally between Faculty, Staff, and Clients'
- "Who can see group" -> Group members
- "Who can join group" -> Invited users only
- "Allow external members" -> ON
- "Who can view conversations -> Group members
- "Who can post" -> Anyone on the web
- "Who can view members" -> Group members
- "Who can manage members" -> Group managers
- "Who can modify custom roles" -> Group managers
- "Allow email posting" -> Checked
- "Allow web posting" -> Checked
- "Conversation history" -> ON
- "Who can reply privately to authors" -> Group members
- "Who can attach files" -> Group members
- "Who can moderate content" -> Group managers
- "Who can post as group" -> Group managers
- "Default sender' -> Author's address
- "Message moderation" -> No moderation if you don't want to approve of each message
4. Test it out by sending it emails to the google group address (gp-smartcharge@bren.ucsb.edu)
5. If you want to send a message "in behalf of your group", you can do that via the web interface and create a "New Conversation" and change the "From" to your group.
More information can be found at the Google Groups Help Center
** explanation of the requirement: Bren wants an easy and reliable way to contact all members of your group. For that reason we require an email list address. You may use additional communication methods with your team like Slack, Email, Zoom, texting and such. We encourage you to utilize the email list to help facilitate communication and collaboration.